Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Playing Hide & Seek With Christmas

THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT can feel like a game of hide and seek sometimes. It is as illusive as a whiff of lovely fragrance and bewildering as an inspiring poem, the meaning of which can never fully be grasped.

It cannot be bought or sold but it might be found unexpectedly around some random corner through an act of kindness, a touch or a smile. It is a feeling that tugs at the heart without any strings. It can be hidden in a hug or in a melancholy that lingers. Some people might find it here for a moment as I did watching and listening to this video and song.

Visit Postcards From Penelope Puddle to view more BC scenes.

Copyright by Penelope Puddlisms


  1. I've loved this video since it came out and it brings tears to my eyes every time!!

    "It is a feeling that tugs at the heart without any strings." Lovely!

    Happy holidays to you and yours, with lots of happy memories!!

  2. Penelope, I once saw a fellow walking across a Vancouver street with a "free hug" sign. I was biking to work, the light changed, and I kept going. Most people (in the few seconds I observed) were avoiding him. I worried when watching your You Tube that the same thing would happen. It was beautiful to see the idea catch on. I hope the same scenario played out for "my" fellow. Thank you! (I am working backwards through your posts, leaving a few very late, but heartfelt comments.)

  3. So well said! Beautiful. Merry Christmas.

  4. What a lovely blog you have Ms Penelope! Although I'm looking at this after Christmas, it is always always appropriate and I thank you for posting and sharing the lovely video.

    Happy New Year!


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