Thursday, September 4, 2014

Inspirational Sign From A Billboard

INSPIRATION can be found in unlikely places. A message on a billboard at the local nursery caught my attention more than the plants did recently.

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will," the sign read.

Dreams loftily float above the clouds or sit on pedestals, which is why we assume they are extremely difficult to attain.

Yet most things we hope to achieve are doable and already reality for possibly millions of people. Improved health, wealth, relationships and/or artistic, athletic and scientific achievements happen daily for dreamers who believe.

Do caterpillars doubt they will be butterflies? The billboard and a butterfly my daughter painted remind me that doubting and feeling intimidated by our own dreams delays us from doing what needs to be done to see them materialize.

Famed author Johann Goethe wrote nearly two centuries ago, "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it."

Discover more words to ponder in interesting places at SIGNS, SIGNS.